





The adage that what’s on the internet is there forever is more true today than ever before. With a plethora of data scrappers, data breaches, website catalog services, and the like, data posted to the internet whether wittingly or unintentionally is likely to be accessible by wide audiences for years to come.

This can have damaging effects on peoples reputations, ability to obtain employment, personal/professional lives, and more. Additionally, this information isn’t always accurate or genuine, adding further complexity to the problem and attempts to mitigate the impact of such information.

“According to a 2019 Internet Security Threat Report by Symantec, cybercriminals are diversifying their targets and using stealthier methods to commit identity theft and fraud — and no one is immune. If you have a Social Security number, you are a target. As many as 1 in 10 people are now victims of identity fraud annually, with 21% of these individuals having been victimized multiple times.” CNBC, 2020

Attempts by individuals or organizations to combat this flow of personal or sensitive information can be exceedingly time consuming and often times ineffective. To assist, Sphinx has developed a proprietary tool which enables the identification, assessment, and mitigation of such information across the internet. Whether your concerns are related to identity theft, criminal targeting, personal in nature, or otherwise. We’re able to aide you in sanitizing your presence across the internet.

To learn more about our E-Security Services, please Contact Us for a free Initial Consultation.